Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Power of Together

Today has been an absolutely great day. I couldn't help but look back to last night's worship with the teenagers of the church. In our tiny youth room we had about 30 teenagers ready to worship. Once the singing began, I was blown away. Our group is mostly girls, so it isn't often that I get to stop and just listen, but last night our guys in the group just came ready to worship. In this crazy world, it was absolutely mind-blowing to be a part of a group of teenagers worshiping the True God. There are so many places that they could be, but they chose to be together for one purpose. It will probably be a night that I won't forget for a long time.

And then this morning came, and I was looking forward to a regular day of work. I got to the office early, expecting for no one to be there except for me. When I walked in the door, the three other ministers were already there and and ready to leave. I had the chance to go with them to a special ceremony for someone in the church. A Venezuelan lady from our church became a citizen of the United States today. The most amazing thing to see was the amount of different cultures represented at the ceremony. There were 772 people becoming citizens, and they came from 96 different countries. I believe every one of them had a huge smile on their face. They were there for one common purpose, and being united in that purpose, they were one people.

I am glad that we can feel that way all of the time. We don't have to wait for a special ceremony or event. Being a part of the Lord's church is being a part of one body. We are never alone. I am so glad to share this with my church family. It is truly a blessing from God.

I just wish the whole world could feel the same joy.

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